Amidst a Country in Turmoil

Well, I guess this is my first post.  These definitely are crazy times in this country.  Even with all of the turmoil with the government takeover of health care, with union thugs involved now, the life of Andrea and Dustin Speckhals goes on, thank the Lord!

Here in little Brogue, Pennsylvania, we feel far away from Obamacare and Pelosi; even though–believe it or not–we are less than two hours away from Capitol Hill.  Our life is blessed!  We are living through some of the greatest times of our life.  I think it’s some of the same things newlywed couples have experienced for decades.  Here is just one funny story in the life of the Speckhals’


So here we are, in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania Dutch country, looking forward to moving into our own home.  It sure will not be huge or fancy, but something we will love.  Actually, yesterday we found that wonderful place in Red Lion, PA.  It is perfect, and we are signing our lease today!  The problem is that our furniture repertoire is minuscule…or just non-existent.  Andrea was looking on Craigslist on Monday and saw a FREE kitchen table and 2 non-matching chairs to go with it.  We ended up telling the people we wanted it, and planned going out to get it after I got out of the office.  One little ‘problemo’…all we had to transport it with was our little Saturn SC1.  It’s a great car, but it’s very small!  “Why not borrow a truck?”, you ask.  No one was at the church except for us, and I didn’t really feel like asking someone to come all the way out there to get it.  Oh well, I thought, we’ll figure it out.

After work on Tuesday, I grabbed Andrea and we headed down some winding roads through the ‘wilderness’ to Stewartstown or somewhere nearby there.  We get to the table (which looks high quality and in pretty good shape), and the rest is history.  First we try putting it through the trunk…doesn’t fit.  Then we tried through the passenger door…doesn’t fit.  Then, thankfully with that Saturn, it has a third door on the driver’s side.  We wiggled and shifted that table around and got it in with no damage to the table or car at all!  The sight was simply magnificent!  Somehow we got the two chairs in too, got everything as tight as we could, and drove back to the church.


For the last two months, Andrea and I have been living in the beautiful Prophet’s Chamber at Mt. Zion Baptist, and now we’re ready to get our own home.  Now we have a table and two chairs: our first bit of furniture.  The rest we will buy over the next couple of weeks.  God has blessed us so much.  I can say that it’s a lot of fun being newlywed;  you all should try it some time.

3 thoughts on “Amidst a Country in Turmoil”

  1. Great blog! I even put it in my favorites…but I think you may need to be reported to the White House for ‘fishy’ information against the current administration…

  2. Very nice! I’m excited to see what comes next. Hurrah for the Silver Bullet! Hi-yo, Silver!!! The Lone Ranger rides again! …of course, with his trusty sidekick, Tanta! 😉

  3. How wonderful!! I love to read things like this. Good old fun!!!

    Lindsey came over to share hot dogs and fun with master club girls in Mary’s class. We all make sure she does not lack for hugs!!!

    Keep us posted on the updates of good old PA. My husband used to tell me it was the Holy Land when we first got married. When you think of it, please pray for his dad and mom in York to be saved. Their names are J.D. and Mary Johnson.

    See ya later,
    Kathy Johnson

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