New Looks

Here’s our new blog design.  I still have a lot of things I want to do with it, but overall, I’m pretty satisfied.  Visually, it looks quite a bit different; but the back-end of the site is completely revamped.  The main difference is the upgrade in HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to the newest standards.  It tends to be quite a bit easier to work with and customize, and in my opinion, looks better too.  Another related difference related to the HTML5 and CSS3 is a very intuitive (yes, I know, that’s totally a buzz word!) template design by ElmaStudio.  It is very friendly to browsers with smaller screens like tablets and mobile phones.  The page automatically adjusts to whatever screen size it is being viewed on, without changing the look and feel dramatically.

More changes are to come.  Stay tuned!