I saw this idea and directions to “do it yourself” here, and I couldn’t resist. It looked so easy, and seemed to be just my style! I bought all the supplies: foam board (you can purchase at craft stores, or use what comes in the mail for packing), straight pins (about a ga-zillion!), fabric, and something to mount it with (some used double-sided foam tape, or maybe even sticky-tac…read on to see what I did).
Then today I set to work. I used 1/2″ thick foam board from Joann Fabrics. I cut it to the size I wanted…four 12×18″ pieces, and three 12×12″ pieces. Be careful not to cut through your carpet if you try this! Measure and cut the fabric about two inches larger on all sides than the size of the foam board you wish to wrap. Then wrap the fabric around, doing the corners like a Christmas gift, or however you like it. The original sight that posted this idea gives a good way to do corners. I just advise you do them all uniformly, whichever way you choose to use. Then you pin the fabric down into the foam with straight pins at an angle so they do not show through the front of your project. I used plenty of pins to ensure the fabric was secure.
When finished, mount the pieces how and where you like them! I mounted these three in our master bedroom (pardon the yellow lighting –I could have waited for daylight pictures, but then you might not be reading this right now!)…
…and came back a while later to this:
…every piece of tape, exactly in position, but no fabric boards! It was then I realized duct tape was not going to work! So, in addition, I took one more straight pin and carefully inserted it straight in through the top center (front) of each board (just as if you were nailing something to the wall, only with a straight pin, your fingers, and maybe a thimble. You can hardly even see it. I may be the only one who does!
So here are the final results…in three different parts of the house.
So wha’ da ya think?
Love this! Looks fairly easy & REALLY nice. I like the green & brown flowered one best.
I like the blank ensemble which goes with the lamp! Very nice.
That was supposed to say “black”. A blank is a product produced in the steel industry…kind of like a cut out form, circular, rectangular, whatever shape the customer wants. I type the word “blank” several times a day at work. I guess my fingers started “bla” and finished “nk” automatically.