You Get to Have a Say!

Andrea and I are having a bit of a tough time choosing which picture to have enlarged, framed and hung in our home.  We decided to see what everyone else’s opinion is.  To vote, just comment and tell us which one you think is best and why!  We will tally everything up at the end of the week.

A–Tropical Oasis

B–Turquoise Water and White Cliffs


D–The Watchtower

11 thoughts on “You Get to Have a Say!”

  1. Okay, it’s between two, but I think you could do any of them.
    A-Tropical Oasis
    *Doesn’t have much of the two water colors.
    *You could lighten the greenery, though, for an even better picture.
    B-Turquoise Water & White Cliffs
    *Very nice! Love the beach, water colors, thatched roof, etc.
    *GREAT picture
    *If you lightened the foreground, that would be awesome!
    D-Watch Tower
    *Water colors are beautiful.
    *Tower, beach, etc. …AMAZING!

    ***If I had to pick one, I’d choose D b/c of the variety of elements. Also, it shows a bit more of the Mexican flavor (the tower), than just the beach. Close call, though!

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