Merry Christmas 2009

All the family together...the main thing!
Linz and her new red blanket!
Welcome to Country-ville, USA, Cha! (We're not making fun, Marcia! Just celebrating Pennsylvania traditions!)
It's snowing! -- Packing bubbles!
The Chief cook!
My first Christmas Ham...deliciosisisisisisimo!
Binzy Bop and J'Bop
Sisters forever! And do we ever love our Dad!
Me and Binz...constructing a Gingerbread House/Birthday Cake!
Happy Birthday, Linz!
Sibling fun!
"Me and my Daddy go together like peanut butter and jelly"...still sayin' it twenty years later!
We're just so photogenic!
Us too!
Stop showing your cards, Binzy Bop!
Is there something fishy going on here?!?

I wish you all the same wonderful Christmas we had.  A good family, and a great God, and a Saviour, Jesus Christ the Lord.  Truly we are rich!

Matthew 1:21

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Do you have this Saviour?  Repent and trust Him today, for only in Him are true riches found.

7 thoughts on “Merry Christmas 2009”

  1. Sweet pictures, Andrea!! Loved every one of them. Makes me miss you and Sharon. Lindsey looks so grown up in the picture where she’s cooking. And Sharon has your mom’s sweater on!!! Lindsey looks like she’s still the star of the party. Have a great New Year’s!!

  2. The pics came out great. I especially like the one with Cha & Buggies! 🙂 For my benefit, right? All kidding aside, the pictures are really good!

      1. Hey Sharon,
        It was good to see you too. Drop in again soon,ok? (You know PA’s better, anyway!! 🙂 Ha!)

  3. So this is where Sharon was Christmas Day! While I sat at the airport making ‘new friends’.

    Love the pictures.

    Aunt Margie

  4. Too special. Loved all the pics. It must have been so much fun and really special being together. Tell Jimbo his figure is getting mature-looking. 🙂 Love all your kitchen cabinet space. I could hide all kinds of goodies in them! 🙂

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