1. Husbands tend to overdo the gift-giving!

2. I can’t say I am unhappy about the overdoing…I kind of enjoyed it!
3. There is something special about having the family all together.
4. Getting and wrapping everyone’s gifts is nothing to be stressed out about.
5. Sisters who live in Utah ought to come visit more often!

6. Lindsey is the most enjoyable person to give to. At nearly twenty years old, you can give her Play Dough, and make her extremely happy! Then you get repaid in hugs and smiles and enthusiasm over the new gift!

7. Sandy has really good taste in picking out gifts.
8. Jim and his new wife are definitely in love, and apparently have a happy, albeit busy, home.
9. Christmas trips to downtown Chicago are just as fun as they always were.

10. It is good to see loved ones you haven’t seen in a very long time.
11. Daddies are pushovers for daughters! (And I am not just talking about my Dad and I!)
12. There’s something special about Moms –all of them.
13. Jim is all grown up now…no longer a nerdy little brother! Just teasing, Jim!
14. Adam and Catie are not grown up…still ner–…I mean, –sorry about that Adam and Catie!

15. Mom Murdock really does make the best peanut butter balls.
16. Next time I go to Maggianos, I am going to order Chicken with Lemon Picatta!

17. Christmas Goodie trays will never go out of style…not as long as we’re all still munching!
18. Don’t plan to crochet too many scarfs for Christmas gifts…you may not have enough time!
19. It is fun to keep Christmas with friends…friends from around the world…Jamaica, Mongolia…
20. Christmas is all about Emmanuel – “God with us.”
21. We do not deserve a Saviour, but He still came.
And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people…
Luke 1:46,47,68