Updates in the Speckhals World

Well, we hope that everyone had a “Right” and Merry Christmas this year!  We have been pretty occupied as of late due to family visiting and things going on at church–therefore the lack of posts and updates lately!  I think that Andrea is going post about her family’s visit tomorrow, then I have a few things on my mind as well.  The top of my list, though is changing our Be Instant banner and color scheme you see to something more…season appropriate.  But until then, I simply wanted to say that, contrary to popular belief, we are still alive and well, and have not stopped posting because of religious convictions due to converting to the Pennsylvania Amish!  We’re still the same here!  Actually, we got a new Nikon L100 camera as a gift this year, and we’re really looking forward to using it a lot, and posting some good pictures.

Our church’s Christmas program went very well, with lots of visitors, including our landlord and his wife, and a lady we met while going door-to-door a couple of months ago.  Praise the Lord!

Have a happy New Year!