My Cup Runneth Over

My sister Sharon recently reminded me of this phrase in a song we both heard –“I’m drinking from my saucer, ’cause my cup’s overflowed!”  That is about how I feel right now –blessed beyond anything I deserve.  I hate to go on and on about a house and all the little material things I like when there are such greater things to be thankful for such as Salvation, God’s Word, a wonderful Godly husband, good Christian families (on both sides), a strong church and Pastor, and good friends here and around the world.  But I also know God cares about little things; and as a Father, He delights to please us in so many ways, great and small.  I love to notice the little things God does for me…it would be a shame to let them pass me by.  So I would like to share a few–

A really nice kitchen…

A gas stove, and a real flame!  I grew up with a gas stove, and in the last two years I learned to appreciate them even more, having an electric one.

A fire place.  Can I tell you how much I love having a fireplace?  I love fall, and Christmas, and even winter –wierd, I know.  But again I grew up having a fireplace, and am so excited to have and use one again, especially as the chilly days draw nearer.

Living Room with Fireplace

A dishwasher.  I have never lived in a house with a dishwasher.  Growing up, my sister and I WERE the dishwashers, according to Dad.  It’s not too bad with just two people, but for baking, or having company, it is soooo much easier to just throw dishes into the dishwasher, then to wash counterfuls upon counterfuls of dishes!  I think I just might enjoy cooking and baking more too, knowing I don’t have oodles of clean-up to keep in mind!

Lots of windows and outdoor light.  I love the brightness of our home.  And curtains are so fun!

(And you may be saying, "Outdoor light?" We are in the middle of the outreaching effects of Tropical Storm Lee! Rain, rain, rain! No, not much outdoor light today!)

Outdoor living space.  Although we didn’t miss it too much in our apartment, it will be very nice to have picnics outside, cook burgers and steaks on the grill, plant flowers, and sit on the deck.

A grill!
This was before many of my plants either went into shock because of so much sunlight (weren't used to it), or flooded, and I brought most of them in.

A living room and kitchen adjoined.  I love being able to work in the kitchen and still feel a part to what is happening in the living room.  We can do our separate things and still converse, and maybe one day the kids can play on the floor and Dad read the paper while Mom bakes cookies…all in the same area!  (But life is sometimes less than ideal!  Maybe it will be more like –The kids arguing on the floor, Dad talking on the phone, and me hustling about the kitchen with timers going off and smoke rising from the oven!  We’ll be all together, though, nonetheless!)

A big master bedroom.  I love the roominess of our bedroom.  And I love the way Dustin and his Dad set it up.  I didn’t envision it that way, but I like it so much better than the idea I had.  It makes the room feel so spacious.

And I could go on and on, but I will stop there.  God is so good to us, and we don’t deserve such a nice, new house.  He even gave us lots of “little” things he knew we specifically would enjoy.  May we use them all to His glory and share liberally with others.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Psalm 23