Cricut Crazy!

Yes, I went cricut crazy!  With my new Cricut Expression, (a Christmas gift), I was excited to be able to cut out letters for my church bulletin board.  Before, I rarely used individual, stand alone letters because I was too lazy to cut each one out by hand.  But with a Cricut, I could use letters without all of the work!  So, I prayed that God would guide me in what message to use for my bulletin board.  Well, being January, I was thinking of snow, and the passage that came to mind was Isaiah 55:10-11.

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Isaiah 55:10-11

Well, I tried to trim down the verses, but didn’t think it very possible without taking away from the meaning of them.  So I began to cut out letters…and I cut out more, –and I realized this was going to be bigger than I thought–and I cut out more…and on and on.  Finally I finished.

If the cutting took a while, even with a Cricut, the taping and mounting took a good chunk of time too.  In fact, I had to trim down some of the verse so that it would fit on the 4′ x 4′ bulletin board.  It was quite a project!

Since one of my original ideas was Cricut-cut snowflakes, I did lots of them –white, light blue, dark blue, purple — to decorate the edges of the board.  The result:  A VERY “busy”, but nice board.  I think I went a little overboard on the cut-out-shapes style!  And I think I am going to leave everything (except the borders) taped right on that background paper, and roll it up carefully so maybe I can reuse the board easily after all of that work!  Some projects are a bit big even for a Cricut!  Lesson learned!

Another board in the same room that I usually coordinate with the bigger one.

400th Anniversary

Yes, this year is the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Authorized Version of the Bible, the King James Version, completed in the year 1611.  Yesterday at our church was Word of God Sunday, and we heard much teaching and preaching on Canonicity, Inspiration, and Preservation.  What a precious treasure we have!

God reveals Himself to us in several ways.  We see Him in Creation, in His workings in people’s lives, and in His workings in our own lives.  But there is no place we see God better than in His Word.  And without His Word, we could never be sure that what we perceived of God through the other avenues was true.  For example, we could believe God loved us by seeing how He provides for our daily needs, how he gives friends along the way to help us, and how He draws us to Himself, but how would e know it was God doing and giving these things without knowing from His Word that “God is love” (I John 4:8) and that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”  Not only that, but all of those other ways of seeing God are not nearly as all-inclusive as God’s Word is.  Within the pages of the Bible, we have everything we need to know about God spelled out for us with illustrations and examples included!  What a loving and merciful God to reveal Himself to us, and to do it in such a clear way!  (We are so unworthy…)

Not only that, but the Bible reveals our Saviour Jesus Christ to us.  It would have been great to have lived during the days Christ walked this earth…I can think of things I would have liked to ask Him.  But, wait, I can ask Him now –just as they could then –through prayer.  How do I know this?  Philippians 4:6 says, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”  He told me so…in His Word.  And how do we know anything about Christ, not having seen or met Him physically, in person?  Through His Word.  The whole message of the Bible is Christ, who came to save sinners.  And we can find that salvation in the Bible.  Paul said in II Timothy 3:15 that the Scriptures “…are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”  So we see the Saviour and the way of Salvation through the Scriptures.

It is also through the Scriptures that God the Holy Spirit speaks to us.  The Bible is God’s instructions to us about how to live a Godly life, and how to deal with each problem we face.  And it is the Holy Spirit who speaks through it to mold us and make us into what He wants us to be.

Beside all these ideas, men have died for the Bible.  They have given their lives that we  might have the very Word of God in our language and in our own hands.  Men such as John Wycliffe and William Tyndale gave the greatest sacrifice…but what does it really mean to me?  Is the Bible precious to me?  Precious enough to read every day…precious enough to study, and obey more than any other book?  It is the expression of God’s love to me and His highest hopes for me, a gift worth dying for to others…but what is it worth to me?

John Wycliffe

William Tyndale

The Simple Things in Life

Two married kids!

Getting Dum dum lollipops when we go to the bank to deposit a check…

Just going out for a drive together…

Scrounging for an after-church snack when we already ran out of snack food…and inventing our own, which was actually very tasty!

A cool breezes blowing in the window when you don’t expect it…

A phone call from a friend, and all the “catching up”…

The ability and opportunity to work, and the good feeling you get after putting several good hours in…

Remembering phrases Mom used to say like, “If the job’s worth doing, what?”  (We meekly and solemnly answer) “It’s worth doing right.”  And, “If we had macaroni, we’d have Macaroni ‘n’ Cheese, if we had cheese!”

Reading God’s Word, and knowing it is powerful, and has all my answers (Wow!)…

Seeing the words, MOM and (upside down) WOW!

Taking walks with my husband (minus the five ticks from the most recent walk!)…

Hearing the doorbell whenever someone walks in pizza shop next door…

I am so thankful for the simple things in life.  God is so good to us!

I Thessalonians 5:18  In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

…And so I thank God even for the ticks!