One of the few points where Dustin and I disagree…He likes Soundforth music, and I generally do not!
(For anyone not familiar with Soundforth, it is a Christian music publisher in South Carolina. You can reach their website here. )
Let me explain: I do like the fact that the music is good and clean. We both agree that some songs they have put out are weak; but as a rule, Soundforth music is good, Godly music. I also appreciate very much their music publishing ministry. They have some very good sheet music for sale, and while I do not prefer their choir/vocal pieces as much, I am very thankful for the instrumental sheet music and music books that I have, and use often. I should say here, that in the remainder of this post, when I refer to “Soundforth” or “Soundforth music,” I am referring to their choir music or vocals in general. To me, the vocal pieces lack feeling, or maybe heart behind it. It is exactly in rhythm, and you will not find a note awry, but that’s it, in my opinion.
I am a simple person, and prefer simple, heartfelt music. —And Dustin just turned on Soundforth!— I like vocal music with only a piano or even a capella. I like instrumental solos and duets by themselves, without the “ooooooo” sound of orchestration ALL THE TIME! And I love the hymnbook. Have you ever pondered the words in those old hymns? I know you have, and you know as well as I the power they hold. They are so real and strong that you know the author’s heart was overflowing as he wrote. They described something that really happened in his heart; they were more than ‘words and tunes cranked out for a music industry,’ as someone once said. And speaking of hymns, how, oh how, can they change those precious, old melodies for new and different tunes? If I had to pinpoint one thing I do not like about modern songwriters it might be this. Keep those old, favorite tunes! Please don’t exchange them for the new, flowy “oooooo” sound! —Dustin is teasing me now!—
But, of course, these are just my opinions, based only on my own preferences. As I said before, I know it is good music for the most part. I would strongly recommend it over much of modern “christian” music today (which is not christian at all in many cases!) I just do not prefer it for myself! What do you think? Please give your opinions…we have to solve this disagreement somehow!