______, Summer, Fall, Winter

Did I totally miss an important notice before we moved to Southeast Pennsylvania?  The weather seemed fairly normal through last summer: a few scorching days amidst the regular “dog days of summer.”  I first started to notice a difference in the fall–maybe around October.  The trees began to change colors in early October, then they stayed that way for weeks before they dropped.  We thought that was great!  I am used to the “peak” of the fall colors lasting for a week or less, then everything is grey until May.  Not here!

Well, we were HAMMERED with snow this year!  Did I say hammered?  It was crazy!  December was full of snow, then everything basically thawed out through the month of January a little.  In early February, amazingly, it all of the sudden turned 85 degrees and humid…wait, that is when we were in Mexico.  Anyway, while we were in the Yucatan, two HUGE snowstorms in a row decimated the mid-Atlantic.  We flew back to a car buried underneath two-and-a-half feet of snow, and a town crippled from the barrage.  Over the next month the snow slowly melted.  In fact, the last little bits did not melt until we were on our way to visit family in late March–yes, the same snow!

Now–almost 90 degrees???!  Where did spring go?  Do they not have that season here?  It wasn’t three weeks ago when there was still traces of snow on the ground!  The trees are nearly all full with leaves already, the spring flowers are past their peak, and we are outside sweating as we take an afternoon stroll…in early April.  Yesterday’s high temperature was 88 degrees, while today’s is supposed to be around 84 degrees.

…On the other hand, the early summer we have been experiencing will come crashing down sometime this evening.  A cold front will be moving in, causing 45 degree temperatures and heavy thunderstorms.  It should be interesting…

Here is a picture that we took yesterday at a park near our home while walking around in the hot weather:

Until Spring’s Flowers Come…

For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
(Song of Solomon 2:11-12)

Japanese Lantern Hibiscus
Rooftop terrace at Posada Yum Kin
Red Bugambilia
Banana flowers...see the green bananas above the left flower?!
Orchid-Hibiscus Boquet

Coconut Palm
My beloved red bugambilia again!
Papaya Tree...almost ripe for the picking!

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

Psalm 19:1-4a