Two good friends treated me to a fantastic dinner concert Friday evening. “Silver, Wood, and Ivory” was an incredible performance I would recommend in a heartbeat. Tracy and Cindy are the names of the two musicians which form this very talented flutist/pianist duo. You can see their website at http://www.silverwoodandivory.com/.

The piano is beautiful, and Tracy’s collection of flutes, recorders, pennywhistles, and other unique pieces including a bass flute and six and a half foot tall contrabass flute is beyond compare!

We went to Cindy’s home in Lititz, Pennsylvania where we ate a delicious dinner served by a husband-wife chef pair, mingled with Cindy (the pianist) and Tracy (flutist), enjoyed coffee and dessert, browsed their products for sale, then joined the others in the sun room for a thrilling Christmas music celebration!

Their rendition of Sleigh Ride was complete with two sets of sleigh bells; one Cindy strapped onto her hand while she played the piano, and the other Tracy strapped to the arch of her foot and proceeded to beat out a steady rhythm almost throughout the entire song while still playing the flute!

When they began O Holy Night, my mind was transported back to that humble and lowly stable where our Lord and Saviour was born, an outcast among men. It reminded me of our human plight, doomed to sin and destruction, until our glorious Redeemer was born! What a merciful God is ours! What a costly sacrifice! Such unworthy sinners! Such amazing grace! It brought tears to my eyes!
We thoroughly enjoyed the evening and I look forward to the day I can attend another of their concerts, perhaps to treat a friend of mine!