Yes, things are going very well here at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. It is good to serve at a likeminded, strong church. Earlier in the summer we had youthcamp in Hanover, PA (Yes, the home of Hanover pretzels…that is almost all we eat out here with Dustin, pretzels and french fries, oh, also kettle-cooked potato chips and popcorn!) But camp went very well…I must admit I was dreading it a bit, just because I don’t like to break out of my shell, but once I did (You don’t have much of a chance at teen camp!), it was the best thing for me since being here. I really got to know the teen girls more, and Jenny Starr also…Pastor Chris Starr’s wife. God is good.

Then we went right into preparation for Vacation Bible School. It was another great week! We had a high attendance day of 227! We also have teenagers come for a time of preaching, craft, snacks, and activities. And here at Mt. Zion they really go all out with decorating for VBS! I was wishing Lindsey (my little sister with Downe’s Syndrome) was here! She would have loved it! I had the privilege to lead Cassandra Carter to the Lord, a teen girl of about fourteen. Praise the Lord for the souls saved and decisions made for God!

Then, bouncing right off of the VBS contacts, the deacons approved the idea of beginning a bus ministry in the nearby town of Red Lion. And you know who that responsibility fell to! The Fairhaven grads! What a thrill and blessing, though! So, we followed up on each of the bus contacts we had from the week of VBS, where we found many had their own church, etc., but a few families showed interest in the bus ride to Sunday School. We took the bus out last Sunday, and would you believe it poured rain! Dustin was up knocking on a door, and it started hailing! Well, neither of the two families who were interested actually came the first week, but we will be at it again tomorrow. Probably doing a few bus visits, some follow-up visits, and maybe a lot of canvassing! It is a bit difficult starting from the ground up, but if we will possibly be church-planting one day, this is great training!!!
Tomorrow is the Red Lion Street Fair too, so please keep us in your prayers that the church booth and the Reformers Unanimous Booth will be used of God to reach the community with the Light of the Gospel!