International Dinner Activity

Here are some pictures from our teen activity of last Friday.  We set the stage for next week’s Mission Conference with an International Dinner.  The different rooms were Japan, Mexico, Africa, and Israel.  A friend and I did the Mexico room which was lots of work and also fun.   We really enjoyed seeing the other rooms too, though, and partaking of their different foods!

Our Mexico room was complete with decorations, music, a picture slideshow, and Spanish Bibles.  Oh, and how could I forget our two little senoritas?  They learned the words, “Hola” (Hi) and “Pasale” (Come in) just for the occasion.  (I think their mother was tired of hearing them practice those two words all week!)  For tasty treats, we had chips and salsa, Jarritos Mexican Soda, and birthday cake.  You must know, that in Mexico, after singing Happy Birthday (Feliz, Feliz Cumpleanos!), the Birthday person must take the first bite right out of the cake, and while he does so, his face is pushed into the cake!  So we performed that cultural custom on five unsuspecting individuals Friday evening.  We wanted them to have a real, up-close “taste” of Mexican culture!

We used our final, extra cake on this unknowing church member, who just happened to be in the building for another reason and turned out to be a prime candidate!  After all, his birthday really was right around the corner!

This really should be an advertisement for the UN and World Peace.  We have here two representatives from Mexico, one from the Moslem world, one from Africa, and one from Israel!  Can you pick out which is which?  (Hard, I know.)

Moslem-Mexican relations were strengthened at the summit.

Representatives were a little leery of partaking in the communal bowl refreshments hosted by our friend from Senegal, Africa.  However, it must be admitted, the delicacy was tasty, and there have not been any recorded illnesses as a result, so perhaps, as the saying goes, “All’s well that ends well!”

One striking reminder the night brings to mind, however, is the need every one of these countries, and many others have for the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Not only that, but the Scriptures command, “Go ye…”   They do not say give money to those who go.  They do not say only to pray for those who go.  Nor do they say go when you are older, or when the time is more convenient.  Each of us is commanded to “Go”, and I might add, the tense is present.  Who are you going to with the Gospel?  To your neighbors?  To your relatives?  To the cashier at the grocery store?  To your postman?  To your car mechanic?  To your hair stylist?  To the lost and dying of this world?

The Official Results!

I know you all have been holding your breath, sitting on the edge of your seat, WAITING to hear the results of the Dr. Segro Memorial 5k, so here I am!

First of all, I finished!  …An accomplishment in itself!

Second, I cut almost three minutes off of my race course time from the week before!  My official race time was 27:11 for 5 kilometers or 3.2 miles.

Third, I placed 22nd over all, out of 100 ladies who competed in the 5k.

Lastly, and suprisingly,  I placed third in my age group!  That was the best part!  And I won a medal.

All in all, it was a good lesson in finishing the job even when it gets a bit tedious toward the end!  (This last week was pretty full, and more than once I would much rather have caught up on sleep than get up and run!)

A Success!

Well after cleaning the house AGAIN top to bottom, and having everything “Just right” (How I love it –but it never seems to stay that way!) –I am kind of obsessive that way! –my Pampered Chef Party WAS held, and it was a success!  Never mind that beautiful tablecloth placed “just so” was covered up by her table mat, and the lovely centerpiece lifted and placed on the counter top, and that rug I washed just for the party, it was shoved aside and out of sight anyway!  All of that pretty much happened before any of my guests arrived!  Oh well, at least my consultant saw it!

At any rate the party was a shining success.  I had between fifteen and twenty guests (some daughters of mothers who came), my kitchen was FULL, the food was delicious, and it was a success for my consultant as well, I believe.  We ate Pork Tenderloin and Mini Chocolate Tiramisu Cakes –Yum for both!

Thank you very much to all of you who were a part!

Twenty Years

Pastor Randy Starr

Today, at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Brogue, we celebrated the twentieth anniversary of our Pastor, Randy Starr, shepherding our congregation.  What a day!  Preaching were Pastor Dave Bottrell and Pastor Keith Sweitzer, both sent out as church planters from our church.  Everything was uplifting: from the singing, to the testimonies, and definitely the preaching.  The testimonies were terrific: from “old-timers” to new members, thanks was given to God for a faithful pastor.  We are proud to call ourselves members of Mt. Zion.

Our church is made of a host of different types of people, but the majority tend to be hard-working farmers, hunters, and contractors.  Pastor is not naturally any of those things.  That doesn’t matter, though, to God.  Pastor Starr was called to Brogue in 1990 to lead a country church down the path of biblical living, soulwinning, and excellence.  And we all love him.  Praise the Lord that He called a willing and obedient man to our church!

My first impressions of Pastor Starr were a little bit fearful: I was in my senior year of college, engaged to be married, and preparing for graduation and ministry.  I was told, when moving to Brogue, that Pastor Starr is very disciplined and thrills himself in organization and planning.  I thought that was great, but not quite to the extent I heard.  I heard stories of notebooks of organization and planning lining every wall (almost true!), everything being very sharp (true!), and a strong leader (true!).  Someone told me if I didn’t do things right at Mt. Zion, Pastor Starr would rip my head off!

Then we got here…one of the first things that welcomed us late that night was a card from Pastor and Mrs. Starr–simply encouraging.  I sure noticed the organization and detail orientation from Pastor, but I also noticed something far more prominent in this man’s life: compassion for people.  Pastor loves his congregation, and is very concerned with their relationship with God.  When he would give counsel, it was not always what people wanted to hear, and sometimes they wouldn’t follow his biblical counsel.  I have seen people break Pastor’s heart, but he still loves them, prays for them, and welcomes them right back in, as if nothing had ever happened, after they get right with God.  This is something you could never learn in a college textbook.  Compassion comes directly from a Holy Spirit filled person.  If there’s anything I have and want to continually learn from Pastor, it is his love for people!

For a long time, I saw Pastor’s love for the church, and heard people say how encouraging he is.  I didn’t know it myself until my wife and I counseled with Pastor.  “This is what a pastor is supposed to be: stern, yet encouraging; loving, yet honest,” I thought.  What a Godly example and heritage Pastor Starr is to our church, and to me personally.  And Mrs. Starr–my wife just loves her: again, the compassion, sincerity, and friendliness in times of hardship, all of which are an example to her as well.

This is the kind of pastor I desire to be some day: a forceful preacher, a seeker of the lost, and a shepherd to God’s church.  Praise the Lord for twenty years of faithfulness!

1 Timothy 3:1-7

This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

…all fulfilled